Friday, December 07, 2007

UNCC follow up....and moving on

Sorry I haven't posted much since the UNCC game. I've been pretty slammed at the office, and a bit bummed about the loss as well (see photo in post that's not me, but it illustrates my feeling after the loss). Anyway, I'm not going to dwell on the UNCC loss much now, since the team plays UCLA tomorrow. The UNCC game is behind us now.

All I'm going to post about the UNCC game is the following:

Funny quote from Scott Fowler of The Observer: "The two Mecklenburg County teams were playing for the Hornet's Nest Trophy, a prize so coveted that every year I forget what it looks like."

Click here to get to all the Charlotte Observer coverage of the game. I honestly only read one article, and don't care to read anything else. I'm done with UNCC for this year. Losing to them really stings. Man, I hate those guys.

On to UCLA.

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